Economics and Tokenomics

Description of the In-Game Economy

The in-game economy of World of Earncraft is built around $WOE tokens, Gold, and traditional in-game items. Players earn $WOE tokens through gameplay, which can be used for various transactions, creating a dynamic and rewarding system. This self-sustaining economy ensures that tokens retain their value and utility, fostering a vibrant ecosystem.


$WOE tokens are distributed through multiple mechanisms, including rewards for in-game activities, participation in events, and community contributions. This equitable distribution incentivizes player engagement and growth within the game. $WOE tokens serve as the primary currency, enabling players to purchase items, unlock features, and participate in various activities. Rewards are given for completing quests, defeating enemies, and joining community events, aligning player interests with the game's long-term sustainability.

Tokens also play a vital role in the decentralized governance of World of Earncraft. Through mechanisms such as DAOs and token-based voting, players can influence the game’s development and future initiatives, ensuring transparency and inclusivity. Additionally, $WOE tokens are interoperable with external platforms, allowing players to trade on cryptocurrency exchanges, participate in DeFi protocols, and integrate with other blockchain-based games.

Supply Breakdown

  • Total Supply: 10M

    • Liquidity: 4M

    • Marketing: 2M

    • CEX: 1M

    • Team: 1M

    • Development: 2M

Earning, Trading, and Using Tokens

Players earn $WOE tokens through various in-game activities. These tokens can be traded within the game or on external cryptocurrency exchanges, providing real-world value. Players use $WOE tokens to purchase in-game items, cosmetics, and participate in special events, enhancing their overall gameplay experience.

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